It seems as though every
day there is a new cold or flu virus spreading throughout
our communities. Understanding the differences and
importance of hand washing and hand sanitizers can help
protect our health.
Soap and Water
According to studies done by microbiologists. Washing your
hands with soap and water can remove about 90% of bacterial
microbes. Just 10 seconds of hand washing can be enough to
remove the troublesome bacteria. Soap acts as a surfactant,
it actually lifts the bacteria away from the hands to be
Hand Sanitizers
Hand sanitizers that contain at least 60% alcohol are a good
choice when hand washing is not an available option. But,
hand sanitizers do not necessarily kill whatever specific
germs are on your hands. Removing the germs with washing is
usually your best option.
How to Properly Use
Hand Sanitizers
Apply enough sanitizer to completely wet your hands. Rub all
over your hands for a minimum of 25 seconds. Do not touch
anything until the applied hand sanitizer has dried. Once
your hands are visibly dry, then you soap and water to
clean. Hand sanitizers work best under conditions where
hands are already relatively clean, such as the time between
hand washings.